ty le
beauty •
makes «style •
lifestyle •
Cakes, meat pies, sausage rolls,
chips and their ilk may seem
like good ideas at the time, but if
it’s more than just an occasional
splurge, you may pay the price.
Just keep telling yourself, ‘I’m
not a bear, I don’t need an extra
layer of fat to see me through
winter.' Instead, fire up the big
pot, because now’s the time to
indulge in some slow-cooked
goodness. Fill your soups, stews
and casseroles with all sorts of
nourishing vegies and hearty
proteins to sustain and warm
you. The mesmerising aroma
emanating from the simmering
pot will certainly lift your spirits!
body and soul
hankfully, the
ultra-hot days and
sleepless, sticky nights of
su m m e r are b e h in d us. N o w the
w eather is cooler, y o u ’ll have
the energy to regroup and th in k
about the things that w o u ld
m ake yo u happier and healthier.
H e re are
ve ry doable things
to get y o u started. Y o u ’ll be
surp rised at h o w pow erful their
im pact is. Enjoy! ►
Helping others
who are doing it
tough can make a
world of difference
in someone’s life and
have an amazingly
positive effect on your
own. The gift of time
can be more precious
than money. Homeless
shelters, women’s
refuges, soup kitchens
and nursing homes
may welcome extra
help during winter.
Ask at your local
church or community
centre, or look online.
Get moving and let
the good times roll
One of the great bonuses of
exercising is that the feel-good hormone
endorphin is afterwards released into
your system. So, while it's tempting to
put exercise on the backburner when
the weather turns a little nippy, just
focus on the hit you'll get from making
the effort. Organise a few of your
friends and form a winter exercise group.
Whether you walk together, hit the gym,
take a yoga or Zumba class or play Wii
Fit in your lounge room, you can spur
each other on and share a few laughs
at the same time. Way to go!
^ ^ R E S H AIR
If you’re suitably dressed for
chilly weather, being outdoors
isn’t a big deal at all. In fact, it can
be a very refreshing and enjoyable
experience. So layer up. Wear a
thin and snug singlet, then pop on
a long-sleeved tee. Top with a
fleece-lined sweatshirt or jacket.
Add a knitted hat and a woolly
scarf, and you're set. Then peel
off layers as you warm up!
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